Vitajte na stránke Birdphotoworld. Táto stránka je venovaná fotografiám najmä vtákov z krajín celého sveta, ktoré som navštívil a hodlám postupne navštíviť. Fotografie ostatných druhov živočíchov sú len doplnkom tejto ornitologicky zameranej stránky. Všetky fotografie podliehajú autorskému zákonu a je možné ich využívať len so súhlasom autora. V prípade záujmu o publikovanie fotografií po vzájomnej dohode pošlem fotografie v plnom rozlíšení pre tlač.
Welcome to Birdphotoworld. This page is dedicated especially photos of birds from countries around the world that I have visited and I'm going after the other. Photo Other animal species rather supplement this ornithological targeted site. All photos are subject to copyright and may be used only with the consent of the author. If interested in publishing photos by mutual agreement, will send photos in full size for printing.
Welcome to Birdphotoworld. This page is dedicated especially photos of birds from countries around the world that I have visited and I'm going after the other. Photo Other animal species rather supplement this ornithological targeted site. All photos are subject to copyright and may be used only with the consent of the author. If interested in publishing photos by mutual agreement, will send photos in full size for printing.