I was born on the 21st of October 1958 in Partizánske (Slovakia), where I grew up and I was getting to know nature with my friends Ladislav Šnírek and Andrej Dubravsky. I attended a primary school on Obuvnícka Street for 9 years, as well as gymnasium there. After graduating from Naturalistic Faculty at University in Bratislava, I permanently settled in Partizánske. Between 1983 and 2000 I worked as a zoologist in Tribeč´s Museum in Topoľčany. Since 2001 I have worked as a zoologist in The State Nature Preservation in Administration of Protected landscape area of Ponitrie region. I have taken pictures of nature and birds since my school years. During the former regime and during my youth, there was not as good photographic technology as it is now and we did not have so many opportunities to travel and track the birds abroad. That is why I started to travel during my older years. As long as I am in a good condition, I would like to document photographically the avifauna in western Palearctic region. I have already photographed it before and I only miss couple of families, moreover I am interested in exotic countries and their beautiful and slowly vanishing avifauna. I have visited Check Republic, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Finland, Norway and Greece- inland and the Lesbos Island, Bulgaria, Belarus, Spain, Austria, Island and Netherlands (together with Slovakia) in Europe area with my digital camera. I have also visited Asian countries: Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia- Baikal, India, Andaman Islands, Romania, Corvo – Azores, Portugal, from African continent: Western Sahara, Zimbabwe and Morocco. I have taken pictures of birds in Colorado and Utah (USA) and Venezuela in South America. I use Canon technique, EOS D 1 Mark IV body, a telephoto objectives with focal points from 100 to 600 mm, sometimes combined with extender 1,4. I do not try to take artistic photography. I prefer sun behind my back or diffused light. I like the characteristic features of birds- simple, atlas shoot, which is sometimes difficult to achieve. I mostly take pictures in wide open space, but I also take pictures of birds in breeding and birds in human aftercare for documentary use. I do not hunt after treasures like kingfishers, European rollers, bee-eaters, hoopoes although I like to take pictures of them as well, but I am interested in down-the-line and secretly living birds, which are not so sought-after objects for most photographers. I have already published some sole author´s book publications (The Stories of uncle Stan with nestlings in the wood, Prunella, Ružomberok 1999, The Slovak birds of pray in photography, Dansta, Topoľčany 2007, The Slovak owls in photography, Dansta, Topoľčany 2009), almost 1000 science popularization and professional articles in daily press and different kinds of magazines, photographs in many calendars and book publications at home and also abroad. It will take time to place all the photographed families of birds to this webpage. If you need any type of a bird for publication, even the one, which has not been placed to this webpage yet, do not hesitate to contact me. I hope I will be able to meet your requirements.

Take photo endemic Andaman Crake in the forest Chidiyatapu, South Andaman, Andaman Islands, February 2015